Monday, May 24, 2010

What are you telling yourself ?

A powerful message we all can use.

Best Regards,
Warren Wandling

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Learn the top three strategies of high achievers to increase your business success

By Warren Wandling

Do you find yourself working at a slow pace with a low energy? If you want to work as a high achiever, then analyze how fast you work on tasks during your day. Ask yourself these questions: How faster do I move through my day? And, on a scale from 1 to 10 where am I? (10 indicates that you are moving fast.) The faster you move the more momentum you create. The more momentum you create the more you will accomplish. Get into activity that will produce high achieving results. As Dave Ramsay says, “gazelle intense.”

Here are three top techniques that high achievers use in their chosen profession.

The first strategy is to work faster. Pick up your pace. Whatever you are working on, beware of your pace that you are working. Do you find yourself working at slower pace with a low energy level or are you working at a high level urgency? Develop a sense of urgency about your day. Get into the do it now habit. Use the ABC priority system. List your tasks that need to be completed for the day and label them with an A, B or C. An A task is something that needs to be finished today. Work only on the A tasks before moving onto a B or C task. Developing a fast pace is key to becoming a High Achiever.

The second strategy is to work longer and harder. Have you ever said to yourself “ I can’t get anything done at work”? This is a common frustration. You must resolve that you are going to work harder and be focused all day long. If you find yourself being interrupted by other co-workers simply use the phrase “back to work.” Schedule two hours everyday without interruptions. Start an hour earlier, and stay an hour later. This will add two extra hours of productive time in your day, which is equal to an extra person working at your current pace. Use the clock as a tool to help you keep track of how much time you have until your next task. As you start to use this strategy your energy level will increase along with your productivity.

The third strategy is to focus on your high payoff activities (HPA) Write down five to seven tasks that are the most important for you to complete everyday. If you are a manager, scheduled a one-on-one proactive coaching meetings, on a weekly basis, with each of your team members is a top priority. If you are sales professional, talking with prospects is an HPA. Clients who use this strategy report that they get more satisfaction from their work. Make your list of your HPA’s today and you will start getting more job satisfaction.

To learn more how to become a high achiever and get greater results in your day, decide which coaching program is right for you.