Thursday, December 6, 2007

Make it your best week yet !

How would like to do one simple thing today that will impact you for the rest of your day and tomorrow and so on?

I just watched a powerful presentation called The Strangest Secret that really inspired me, and I wanted to share it with you.

I'm sure you'll enjoy the wonderfully positive message it conveys.

Just 3 minutes- it could change your life.

Make it your best week yet!

You can check it out here:

Turn up the volume on your PC then Click on the following link to watch The Strangest Secret Movie (or cut and paste into your browser):

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Increase Your Productivity in 2008 and Beyond

Dear Leader,

If you are a Small Business owner you might be asking yourself these questions:

· What strategies would help me to increase my productivity?
· How can I get "unstuck" with my daily acitivities?

We all have dreams and obstacles in our lives. My hope is that you will overcome your obstacles while pursuing your dreams.

"Success...seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit."
Conrad Hilton

That is why I have developed this 10 day eCoaching program. It is the first step that will help you overcome your obstacles in your business, so you start living your dreams.

It is 10 days of solid information coaching you to get results in your business. As your eCoach I will ask questions and provide guidance to to help apply what you have learned. All I ask is that you complete the daily action step that will move you closer to your goals.

Meet your eCoach:
Warren Wandling is a national speaker and business coach. He trains account executives and business owners who want to bring purpose and significance to their work. Warren is known for delivering his material with high energy, while providing information that is relevant, impactful, and results-oriented. His background includes National Training with the American Management Association, Director of Employee Services, and Sales. His training and recruiting background bring a unique perspective to all who desire to "Awaken Significance" within!

Hire me as your eCoach for no cost. Join the eCoaching program today! You will be glad you did.

Simply provide your first name and primary email address go to
Stop wishing your life away and Start living your dreams,

What others are saying:
Warren’s Positive message was influential in helping me establish and achieve goals in my career”. Scott B, Sales Manager

“Warren Wandling is a rare find. His clear and concise instruction has helped me and my Team make our goal setting much more effective. Thank you warren for your straightforward approach!” Sherry T. Business Owner

Simply provide your first name and primary email address got to

Increase your productivity in 2008 and beyond!
To your success,
Warren Wandling