Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Talk or Walk

TAlk LIST vs WALK List

Ever notice how people talk, talk talk?
I think I want to live in Florida next January.
We really should go on a nice vacation, somewhere.
Wouldn't it be fun to work at home doing...
Or, I would love to start my own business.

As you listen to yourself, do you have a talk list? Things you would love to do?

How do you get those things, interesting goals, dreams, memorable events from the talk list to the walk list?

Let's start by having you identify those things.

Here is an activity: List everything that you just talk about that someday you are going to do.
(you have heard of "someday isle"!)

As you know, nothing gets accomplished until you transfer it from your talk list to your walk list.

It is okay to have a talk list. It is important to talk about it, share it and ponder ways to bring it to life. Realize that nothing is going to happen until you put it on your walk list.

When you have a clear vision of what you want to do next, move it to your walk list.

Once it moves to your walk list you can get more specific about how and when you are going to accomplish it.

As you become more self-aware you will see things happen, talk to walk.

Stop talking and get into action!

Make it a great day,


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